With an Influx of fresh meat for the CrossFit Grinder over the last few weeks, we wanted to create a file for all the crazy words we seem to make up as we explain the daily workouts! Please read it over and soon you will be teaching the newbies who walk through the door all the fancy CrossFit terminology!
CrossFit Acronyms and Abbreviations ● AMRAP- as many rounds (or reps) as possible ● BS- Back squat. Bar is on upper back when squatting ● BWT- body weight ● C2B- chest to bar. A pull up that requires you to make contact with your chest to the bar in order to count the rep. ● CF- crossfit ● CLN- clean. Explosively lifting an object from the ground and receiving it in the front rack position ● C&J- clean and jerk. Combining the clean movement and jerk movement together before returning the bar to the floor ● DL- deadlift. Standing a weight up from the floor ending with it at your hips ● DNF- did not finish. Unacceptable in most crossfit boxes. ● EMOM- every minute on the minute ● FS- front squat. Bar is in front rack (collarbone) position when squatting ● GHD- glute ham developer. a device that allows for posterior chain exercise, such as a hip extension, sit up or a back extension. ● GPP- general physical preparedness ● HNG- “hang”. Movement does not start with bar on ground ● HRPU- hand release push up. Typical push up, but at bottom of rep lift hands off of ground then replace them and continue with rep. Anti- cheating push up ● HSPU- handstand push up. In a handstand, perform a pushup by lowering your head to the ground, then pressing yourself back up to lockout. ● KIPPING- using momentum driven by your hips to complete a movement faster creating an aerobic effect ● KBS- kettlebell swing. Using your posterior chain, swing a kettlebell from hip height to eye level or higher ● K2E- knee to elbow. Hanging from a pull up bar, using your abs, pull your knees up as you bend your elbows until they make contact then return to hanging ● METCON- metabolic conditioning. An aerobic type of workout designed to increase metabolism, elevate heart rate and get you sweating! ● M/U- muscle up. Hanging from rings or a bar pull your body up to a dip position and then press up out of the dip ● OHS- overhead squat. Squatting with the bar overhead with arms locked out ● PWR- power. means no squat allowed ● PR- personal record ● PP- push press. Using your hips to drive an object overhead ● PJ- push jerk. Similar to push press except you “catch” the weight overhead in a mild squat position before standing up ● PU- pull ups. Hanging from rings or a bar, using your back and arms, pull yourself until your chin clears the height of that object ● RFT- rounds for time ● Rx’d- as prescribed or as written. Workout is done without any adjustments ● RM- repetition maximum. The maximum amount of reps you can achieve at a certain weight. ● SDHP- sumo deadlift high pull. Feet are wide, hands are narrow, stand up and pull the object up to collar bone height ● SNT- snatch. Pulling an object explosively from ground to overhead in one motion. ● T2B- toes to bar. Similar to K2E but you will aim your toes to make contact with a bar ● WB- wall ball. Squatting with a medicine ball then throwing the ball at a target above ● WOD- workout of the day ● W/UP- warm up ● THE “GIRLS”- a series of benchmark workouts created by crossfit headquarters that are universally known among the crossfit community ● THE “HEROES”- a hero workout is a tribute workout in honor of a fallen crossfitter ( either soldier, sailor, airman, marine , firefighter, or police officer) that died in the line of duty. Typically very tough workouts that are recognized amongst most crossfit gyms.
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